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Mayday Fly to 2022 LIVE!

3 December 2022 7: 30 PM National Stadium In May 2020, Mayday surprised all fans with a virtual concert amidst the global pandemic and achieve a record-breaking viewership ever seen in any show since Mayday’s debut. The live chat board were also swamped with comments by enthusiastic Singaporean fans, all expressing their wish to see Mayday’s electrifying LIVE performance once again! Mayday Fly to 2022 is the latest concert series after Mayday Just Rock It!!! Blue, although the concert tour has been proactively rescheduled and replaced with the brand-new Mayday Fly to 2022, fans will definitely be promised a treat with the top-notch production and captivating LIVE performance! Come 03 Dec 2022, immerse yourself in Mayday’s music on their latest ‘Fly to 2022’ concert tour and be re-energized to enter a brand-new 2023! 五月天【Just Rock It!!! 蓝|Blue】新加坡站原定今年9月与大家见面,考量到目前新加坡对于疫情防控要求,再次延期至2022年12月3日,演出节目也将改为全新的五月天【好好好想见到你】Mayday fly to 2022演唱会,之前持有“五月天Just Rock It!!!蓝|Blue新加坡站” 的持票者也可持原票券入场观看此次全新演出。去年5月,五月天记得与歌迷的五月之約,在5月的最后一天与大家相约线上开趴,全球在线观看次数是五月天成团以来最多人同时参加的一场演唱会,而在新加坡远端参与的歌迷纷纷洗版留言真的好想好想走进体育场享受五月天的现场LIVE魅力,想必五月天演唱会是歌迷最翘首以待的演唱会! 五月天【好好好想见到你】Mayday Fly to 2022是继【Just Rock It!!! 蓝|Blue】之后的最新演唱会节目, 也必定是大家疫情后最期待的现场演唱会。尽管这两年世界发生了意想不到的事情,改变随时会来,相聚相守更显珍贵,也因为这样五月天特别想维持一些永远不会改变的事情。这次的相遇虽然几经波折,但是约定好就会赴约,虽然迟到了,他们还是会到。2022年12月3日,我们一起见面说声好好,五月天也将如约而至,再次与歌迷相约新加坡国家体育场,在这个年末让五月天用音乐扫掉之前的纷纷扰扰,为我们补满能量飞向全新的一年! LANGUAGE: Mandarin Presented by Live Nation *Credits for featured photos and videos belong to their rightful owners.
GET YOUR TICKETS AT THE FOLLOWING OUTLETS: *Each ticket is entitled to one Fly to 2022 LED Light Stick. ♦ All SingPost Outlets Click [link href='https://www.singpost.com/list-of-post-offices' title='HERE'] to check on the branches and operating hours. ♦ THE STAR PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE BOX OFFICE 1 Vista Exchange Green Singapore 138617 Level 3 OPERATING HOURS: Monday to Sunday (12pm - 8pm)
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